How To Clean Mr Coffee Espresso Machine?

How To Clean Mr Coffee Espresso Machine?

Are you a coffee lover who relies on your trusty Mr. Coffee Espresso Machine to satisfy your caffeine cravings? Then it’s crucial to keep your machine clean and in top-notch condition for the best-tasting espressos. In this article, we will guide you through the easy steps of properly cleaning your Mr. Coffee Espresso Machine, ensuring a fresh and flavorful brew every time. Say goodbye to stale and bitter coffee and say hello to a perfectly clean and pristine espresso machine that will make your mornings even more delightful.

How To Clean Mr Coffee Espresso Machine

Supplies Needed

To effectively clean your Mr. Coffee espresso machine, you will need the following supplies:


Water is an essential component in cleaning your machine. It will be used for rinsing and diluting cleaning solutions.

White vinegar

White vinegar is a versatile and budget-friendly cleaning agent. It helps to remove scale buildup and maintain the cleanliness of your machine.

Mild dish soap

Using a mild dish soap will ensure that your machine is effectively cleaned without leaving any residue behind.

Clean cloth

A clean cloth is necessary for wiping down the exterior of your machine, as well as cleaning various components.


A toothbrush with soft bristles is an excellent tool for scrubbing hard-to-reach areas of your machine, such as the brew head and grouphead.

Cleaning the Exterior

Start by unplugging your Mr. Coffee espresso machine to ensure your safety. Next, use a clean cloth to wipe down the exterior surfaces of the machine. This will remove any dust, coffee grounds, or spills that may have accumulated over time.

Don’t forget to clean the drip tray and water reservoir. Wipe the drip tray with a clean cloth, removing any coffee residue or water stains. Similarly, clean the water reservoir to prevent any buildup that could affect the taste of your espresso.

Cleaning the Brew Head

The brew head is the part of the machine where the portafilter is inserted. To clean it, begin by removing the portafilter. Rinse both the portafilter and the basket under water to remove any residual coffee grounds.

Using a toothbrush and some mild dish soap, gently scrub the brew head to remove any oils or residue that may have accumulated. Take care not to apply too much pressure that could damage the brew head.

Cleaning the Steam Wand

The steam wand of your Mr. Coffee espresso machine requires regular cleaning to maintain its functionality. Start by purging the steam wand to remove any leftover milk or steam. This can be done by turning the steam knob on without any milk cup attached.

Once purged, use a clean cloth to wipe the steam wand, removing any milk residue. For a deeper clean, dip the cloth in soapy water and gently clean the steam wand to ensure all residue is removed. Rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue.

Descaling the Machine

Regular descaling is crucial to remove mineral deposits that can build up over time and affect the performance of your Mr. Coffee espresso machine. To prepare a descaling solution, mix equal parts water and white vinegar. The vinegar’s acidity will effectively dissolve the limescale.

Fill the water reservoir of your machine with the descaling solution. Ensure it is filled to the appropriate level. Next, run the machine as if you were making espresso, allowing the descaling solution to pass through the entire system. This process will help remove any mineral deposits and keep your machine running smoothly.

Cleaning the Water Reservoir

To clean the water reservoir thoroughly, start by emptying any remaining water. Rinse the reservoir under warm water to remove any loose debris. Next, use a clean cloth or sponge with mild dish soap to give the reservoir a gentle scrub. This will ensure that any residue or buildup is removed. Rinse thoroughly to eliminate any soap residue before refilling.

Cleaning the Drip Tray

To clean the drip tray, remove it from the machine and empty any liquid present. Wash the drip tray with warm water and mild dish soap, ensuring that all sides and corners are thoroughly cleaned. Pay careful attention to any stains or residue and gently scrub them away.

After cleaning, make sure to dry the drip tray thoroughly before reinserting it into the machine. This will prevent any moisture or potential mold growth.

Cleaning the Portafilter and Basket

Begin by removing the basket from the portafilter. Both components should be cleaned after each use to remove any coffee oils or grounds. Use warm soapy water along with a soft brush to clean the portafilter and basket. Rinse thoroughly to ensure no soap residue is left behind.

Cleaning the Grouphead

The grouphead is the metal part of the machine that connects the portafilter to the espresso machine. It is crucial to keep this area clean to prevent any buildup that could affect the flavor of your espresso.

To clean the grouphead, start by removing the shower screen. Gently scrub the grouphead using a toothbrush and some mild dish soap to remove any oils or residue. Rinse thoroughly to eliminate any soap residue. Don’t forget to rinse and dry the shower screen before reassembling it.

Regular Maintenance

To keep your Mr. Coffee espresso machine at optimal performance, follow these regular maintenance steps:

Flush the machine with water

Before and after each use, it is essential to flush your machine with water. This helps to remove any leftover coffee grounds or buildup, ensuring that the next brew is fresh and tasty.

Clean the steam wand

After each use, make sure to clean the steam wand. This will prevent any milk residue from drying and clogging the wand. Use a clean cloth or sponge to wipe the wand and remove any milk residue.

Descale the machine

Descale your Mr. Coffee espresso machine every 1-3 months, depending on the hardness of your water. Regular descaling will help remove any mineral deposits that can affect the performance and taste of your espresso.

By following these cleaning and maintenance steps, you can ensure that your Mr. Coffee espresso machine remains in excellent condition and consistently delivers delicious espresso beverages. Happy brewing!