How To Make Shaken Espresso?

How To Make Shaken Espresso?

Today, you will learn the art of making a fantastic shaken espresso that will elevate your coffee experience to a whole new level of deliciousness. This invigorating beverage combines the rich, aromatic flavors of espresso with the delightful texture of ice and a touch of sweetness, creating a refreshing treat that will leave you craving for more. Hold on tight as we guide you through the simple yet mesmerizing steps of crafting your very own shaken espresso, allowing you to indulge in the perfect blend of boldness and coolness. Get ready to embark on a journey of coffee mastery!


To make a delicious shaken espresso, you will need the following ingredients:

Espresso coffee beans

The quality of your coffee beans will significantly affect the taste of your shaken espresso. Choose high-quality espresso beans that are fresh and have a rich and bold flavor.

Filtered water

Using filtered water is important to remove any impurities and ensure a clean and smooth taste in your espresso.

Ice cubes

Ice cubes are essential for creating the chilled and refreshing aspect of a shaken espresso. They will cool down the espresso shots and create a delightful contrast between the hot and cold elements of the drink.

How To Make Shaken Espresso


To make your own shaken espresso, you will need the following equipment:

Espresso machine

An espresso machine is necessary for brewing your espresso shots. Look for a machine that meets your needs and preferences, whether it’s a manual or automatic one.

Burr grinder

A burr grinder is crucial for grinding your coffee beans to the desired consistency. It allows for a precise and consistent grind, which is essential for a balanced and flavorful espresso.


After distributing your coffee grounds in the espresso machine’s portafilter, a tamper is used to compact the grounds evenly. This step ensures proper extraction of the espresso shots.

Milk frother

If you prefer a creamy and frothy texture in your shaken espresso, a milk frother is a handy tool. It will add a velvety and luxurious element to your drink.


A shaker is needed to mix the espresso shots with the ice cubes. It helps in achieving a well-blended and chilled shaken espresso.

Shot glasses

Shot glasses are used to collect and measure the freshly brewed espresso shots. They provide a convenient way to pour the espresso shots into the shaker.


A strainer is necessary to separate the liquid from the ice cubes and any small coffee particles when pouring the shaken espresso into a serving glass.

Preparing the Espresso

To start making your shaken espresso, follow these steps to prepare the espresso shots:

Grind the coffee beans

Grind the espresso coffee beans using your burr grinder to achieve the desired consistency. For espresso, a fine grind is typically recommended.

Preheat your espresso machine

Before brewing, preheat your espresso machine to ensure stable temperature and optimal extraction. This step helps to enhance the flavors and maintain consistency.

Measure the coffee grounds

Measure the appropriate amount of coffee grounds based on the number of espresso shots you want to make. Follow the instructions of your espresso machine for the recommended coffee-to-water ratio.

Distribute and tamp the coffee

Distribute the coffee grounds evenly in the portafilter of your espresso machine. Once evenly distributed, use a tamper to firmly press down on the coffee grounds. This step ensures even extraction and prevents any uneven channels in the coffee puck.

Extract the espresso shots

Place the portafilter into the espresso machine and initiate the brewing process. Allow the machine to extract the espresso shots according to your preference of strength and volume.

Collect the espresso shots in a shot glass

As the espresso shots are extracted, collect them in a shot glass. This will make it easier to transfer them to the shaker in the next steps of making the shaken espresso.

Creating the Shaken Espresso

Now that you have your freshly brewed espresso shots, it’s time to create the shaken espresso by following these steps:

Fill a shaker with ice cubes

Take a shaker and fill it with a generous amount of ice cubes. The more ice cubes you use, the colder and more refreshing your shaken espresso will be.

Pour the espresso shots into the shaker

Carefully pour the freshly brewed espresso shots into the shaker. The hot espresso will instantly start cooling down as it comes into contact with the ice cubes.

Secure the lid on the shaker

Make sure the lid of the shaker is properly secured to prevent any leakage or spills. This step is crucial to ensure that all the flavors and aromas are contained within the shaker during the vigorous shaking process.

Shake vigorously for about 15-20 seconds

Hold onto the shaker firmly and shake it vigorously for about 15-20 seconds. The shaking motion helps to mix the espresso shots with the ice cubes, creating a frothy and well-blended shaken espresso.

Strain the shaken espresso into a serving glass

Using a strainer, carefully pour the shaken espresso into a serving glass. The strainer will remove any ice cubes and small coffee particles, resulting in a smooth and enjoyable drinking experience.

Optional Additions

To elevate the flavor and presentation of your shaken espresso, consider adding some optional additions:

Simple syrup or flavored syrups

For those who prefer a sweeter taste, adding simple syrup or flavored syrups can enhance the overall experience of the shaken espresso. Experiment with different flavors such as vanilla, caramel, or hazelnut to find your perfect combination.

Milk or cream

If you prefer a creamier texture, adding a splash of milk or cream to your shaken espresso can provide a velvety and luscious mouthfeel. Consider using different types of milk, such as whole milk, almond milk, or oat milk, to achieve the desired taste and consistency.

Whipped cream

For an indulgent treat, top your shaken espresso with a dollop of whipped cream. This addition adds a luxurious touch and can be garnished with chocolate shavings or a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Caramel or chocolate sauce

Drizzling caramel or chocolate sauce over your shaken espresso can elevate its flavor profile and create a visually appealing presentation. Be creative and experiment with different patterns or designs to impress your guests or simply treat yourself.

Cinnamon or cocoa powder

Dusting a pinch of cinnamon or cocoa powder on top of your shaken espresso can add a hint of warmth and depth to the overall taste. These aromatic spices enhance the sensory experience and make your drink even more enjoyable.

Serving and Presentation

To serve your shaken espresso, follow these steps for an impressive presentation:

Choose an appropriate glass

Select a glass that complements the overall aesthetic of your shaken espresso. Some popular options include a classic rocks glass, a tall and elegant Collins glass, or a fancy martini glass.

Pour the shaken espresso into the glass

Using a strainer, pour the shaken espresso from the shaker into the chosen glass. The smooth and frothy texture will cascade elegantly, making your serving glass look visually appealing.

Garnish with desired toppings

Add the finishing touches to your shaken espresso by garnishing it with your desired toppings. Consider adding a sprinkle of cocoa powder, a drizzle of caramel sauce, or a dusting of cinnamon for that extra flair.

Serve immediately

For the best taste and experience, serve your shaken espresso immediately after preparation. The combination of hot espresso shots and chilled ice cubes creates a delightful contrast that is best enjoyed when fresh.

Variations and Tips

To further enhance your shaken espresso experience, here are some variations and tips to consider:

Try different types of coffee beans

Experiment with various types of coffee beans to discover unique flavors and profiles. Explore single-origin beans or blends from different regions to experience the diversity of coffee.

Experiment with different ratios of espresso to ice

Adjust the ratio of espresso shots to ice cubes to suit your taste preferences. Some individuals prefer a stronger espresso flavor, while others enjoy a more diluted and mellow taste. Find the balance that pleases your taste buds.

Adjust sweetness and creaminess to personal preference

Whether you prefer a sweeter or less sweet shaken espresso, customize the sweetness by adjusting the amount of simple syrup or flavored syrups you add. Additionally, experiment with different amounts of milk or cream to achieve your desired level of creaminess.

Use high-quality ingredients for the best flavor

Investing in high-quality coffee beans, filtered water, and other ingredients will undoubtedly improve the flavor of your shaken espresso. Fresh and well-sourced ingredients will result in a more enjoyable and satisfying beverage.

Don’t shake too aggressively to avoid spills

When shaking the espresso shots with the ice cubes, be mindful of the intensity of your shaking. Shaking too aggressively could lead to spills or leaks from the shaker, resulting in a mess and potential waste of your delicious shaken espresso.

Alternative Methods

If you don’t have access to specific equipment or want to try different approaches, here are some alternative methods to make a shaken espresso:

Using a French press

If you don’t have an espresso machine, you can still make a shaken espresso using a French press. Brew a strong cup of coffee with finely ground coffee beans in the French press, then follow the same steps of pouring it into a shaker with ice and shaking vigorously.

Using an Aeropress

Similar to the French press method, an Aeropress can be used to make a strong coffee concentrate. Brew the coffee, dilute it with water to your desired strength, and follow the remaining steps of pouring it into a shaker and shaking with ice.

Using instant coffee

In a pinch, instant coffee can be used to make a shaken espresso. Dissolve a desired amount of instant coffee in hot water, let it cool, and proceed with the remaining steps of pouring it into a shaker with ice and shaking vigorously.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To ensure you achieve the best results when making a shaken espresso, be mindful of the following common mistakes:

Over or under-extracting the espresso shots

Proper extraction is crucial to achieve a balanced and flavorful espresso. Pay attention to the grind size, water temperature, and brewing time to avoid over or under-extraction, which can result in a bitter or weak-tasting espresso.

Not using fresh coffee beans

Stale or old coffee beans will produce a lackluster and dull flavor in your shaken espresso. Always use freshly roasted coffee beans to guarantee the best taste and aroma.

Incorrectly tamping the coffee grounds

If the coffee grounds are unevenly tamped, it can lead to uneven extraction and an imbalanced espresso shot. Ensure the coffee grounds are distributed evenly and tamp them down firmly and consistently.

Shaking too aggressively and causing spills

Shaking the espresso shots too vigorously can cause the shaker to leak or spill. Maintain control and shake with enough force to mix the ingredients thoroughly without causing any accidents.

Not adjusting the drink to personal taste preferences

Everyone has unique taste preferences, so don’t be afraid to adjust the sweetness, creaminess, or intensity of your shaken espresso to suit your liking. Experiment and make it your own.


Making a shaken espresso is a relatively simple yet exciting process that allows you to customize and enjoy a refreshing caffeinated beverage. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a shaken espresso that suits your personal taste preferences.

Remember to use quality ingredients, experiment with different variations, and pay attention to the details to achieve the best results. Whether you enjoy it as a daily pick-me-up or serve it to impress guests, your homemade shaken espresso is sure to be a delightful treat. So, grab your equipment and ingredients, dive into the world of coffee-making, and savor the pleasure of a well-crafted shaken espresso!